We Host on Your Account

This option provides the same benefits as the "Hosting by Us" option plus additional control over the site by the community.

  • we will continue to upgrade and maintain your site for free as long as you want us to
  • you will need to provide an account to host the site. Currently companies such as WebFaction, Linode, etc. offer accounts for as little as $5-$10/month
  • you will need to provide a domain for your site. Domains vary widely in price but can be found for $25/year or less.
  • you will have the ability to log in to the server and restart the site should it ever be needed; i.e. if the site becomes unresponsive or displays an unfamiliar error, which happens very rarely.
  • we will need to use your account username and password to maintain your site. You can change your password whenever you want us to stop maintaining your site.
Site Restart Instructions
  1. run the command line application on a computer connected to the internet. The built-in one for Macintosh is called Terminal; the built-in one for Windows is called Command Prompt (type "cmd" in the search field); Linux computers have one called Terminal or something similar. There are many other applications available, feel free to use your favorite.
  2. connect to your account using
    ssh <account_name>@<account_url>
  3. enter your password. You will then be connected to your account and commands you now type will apply to the site's hosting server.
  4. We have provided some scripts for maintaining the site. To run a script, type the name of the script and presss Return.
  5. run the stop script to stop the site
  6. run the start script to launch the site
  7. type exit and Return to disconnect from your account
  • every once in a while, it can take some time for the site to stop (normally it stops right away). You can run the stop script multiple times until the output indicates that the site has stopped. Then run the start script.
  • the log script can be used to view the log for the site. The log will mostly contain Java debug information and may not be useful to non technical viewers, but it may give a clue to any problems the site is encountering.