Meeting Scheduler
The Meeting Scheduler allows a meeting planner to post possible dates and times for a proposed meeting and for potential attendees to record which of those hours they would be able to attend. The Scheduler also includes the ability to add a list of members/responders and notify them with email requests and reminders. When all the responses are collected, the Scheduler shows the overlapping times.
The Meeting Scheduler is one of the in Mosaic modules listed in the top menu. If you don’t see it in the menu, it may be on the dropdown menu, Other. (The order of active modules in the menu order is determined by individual communities.)
To Add a Meeting
- Click Add at the top left column in the list of meetings.
- Enter a unique name for the new meeting.
- Click Add Day and a small window will open to add a date and day of the week.
- As each possible day is entered a column of red bars will appear next to the hours of the day. The default shows 13 hours, from 8:00 am to 8:30 pm. To add earlier or later hours click the + at the top and bottom of the list.
- Click and drag on the bars for the hours that are possible meeting times and they will turn green.
- Repeat for as many days as you need. Only the times you have selected, those turned green, will be displayed on the Scheduler.
- To invite people, click Add and a dropdown menu containing the names of all the members entered into Mosaic will appear.
- Click Email People and a blank email message addressed to the members you have chosen will open in your email program
- Finally, click add to save the meeting and all the settings.
To indicate the times you are available for a meeting
- Click Edit next to the name of the meeting and the meeting window will open.
- Click the red bars for the times and days you are available to turn them green.
- If you want to send an email message to others invited to the meeting, use the Email People button.
- Click Save to record your response.