Permission to add, edit, or delete minutes may require that you have the minutes role.
Minutes may be added on the main Minutes page and on some Groups pages. If the group is set up to enter its minutes, there will be a Minutes tab on the Group's page.
Click the pencil icon or the Add, Edit, or Delete buttons to add new, edit, or delete previously posted minutes.
After clicking Add a form will appear with fields for the minutes.
- Set the meeting date
- Enter a summary of the topics and decisions recorded in the minutes. These are used in some lists to identify relevant minutes.
- Type or paste in the text for the minutes. You can use the toolbar for formatting the text.
- On the main Minutes page there will be a field to set the Group for the minutes if appropriate.
- Check the “show on main minutes page” checkbox if you want a Groups minutes to appear on the main Minutes page as well as the Groups page.
- Check the “show on news feed” checkbox to show the addition of the new minutes in the Newsfeed.
- Select an email list to send a message announcing the addition or editing of minutes.
- Add attachments to the minutes, if any.
- Click Add in the form to save the minutes.