
The Settings for your account are accessed via the dropdown menu with your name in the upper right.

|-|-| |additional emails|the email lists for the site use a "white list" system to prevent spam which means that only people registered on the site can send email to the lists. If you want to be able to send messages to a list using an email address other than your primary one, add it to the "additional emails" list| |birthday|a place to enter your birthday (may include the year depending on how your site is configured) | |show birthday on calendar|a checkbox for indicating whether or not you want your birthday shown on the Birthdays calendar| |password|used for logging in to the site| |send email when someone comments on my posts|check this to be notified automatically when someone comments on on of your posts| |send email when someone posts to the site|check this to be notified automatically whenever a new post is added to the News Feed on the Home Page| |theme|if your site is configured to allow members to change their theme then there will be a field here allowing you to do that| |timezone|if you are traveling or live in a different time zone than the one for the site, you can set your current time zone here and the times in the calendars will be adjusted to match your current time| |top menu|if your site is configured to allow member to modify their top menus there will be a button here for doing that| |username|used for logging in to the site|