The Newsfeed is similar to Facebook or Slack or many other social media site. It is displayed on the Home page. It displays posts added by members as well as summaries of additions of things like photos, recipes, discussions, etc. on other page. Members can comment on posts or comments and conduct short discussions similar to other social media sites.
The Newsfeed can also be used to post to the Discussions, Notices, Pictures, and Recipes pages. There are buttons for these types of posts below the "What's on your mind?" field on the Home page. These are for convenience and using them is the same as going to one of those pages and adding an item in the usual way.
The Newsfeed is a reverse chronological list of recent messages. At the top is an empty text box that says, “What’s on your mind” or a similar phrase chosen by your Community. Enter your message in the text box and click the Post button.
The buttons below the field are add discussion, add notice, add picture, and add recipe. New buttons may be added in the future.
When someone comments on your post, you will be notified by email if you have the email updates to my conversations checkbox checked in Settings. There is also a send email when someone posts to the site checkbox in Settings where you can configure whether or not to receive updates on site activity.
For instructions on filling out the forms for Discussions, Notices, Pictures, and Recipes, see the instructions for each page.