
At its simplest, the Decision page contains a list of community made decisions and serves as the official place to store such decisions. However, there are several optional features including

  • support for tracking proposals through a process
  • automatically generating and emailing agendas
  • a General Meeting calendar
  • online votes

by default the page contains a simple list of decisions with fields for a title, the text of the decision, status, and date.

the status field can be one of the following options (not all will be available depending on how the Decisions module is configured):

  • completed (no decision) - the community agreed to stop discussing the proposal without dropping it or making a decision - shown via the Old Proposals item on the left
  • did not pass - the community used its process to decide not to pass the proposal - shown via the Old Proposals item on the left
  • dropped - the community decided to drop the proposal and remove it from the process - shown via the Old Proposals item on the left
  • in process - the community is currently discussing the proposal so it should be on the agenda of the next meeting - shown in the Parking Lot via the Proposals item on the left
  • online vote - the proposal will be decided by an online vote of community members who have opted in to the system - shown via the Votes item on the left
  • owner vote - the proposal will be decided by an online vote of community members who are "owners" (one per household) - shown via the Votes item on the left
  • passed - the community used its process to decide to pass the proposal - shown via the Decisions item on the left, which is shown as the default on the Decisions page when the module is not configured to "support proposals"
  • pending - when the module is configured to "support proposals" this is for online approval by community members of proposals to go on to a meeting - shown via the Proposals item on the left
  • tabled - the community has decided to table the proposal until a later date - shown via the Proposals item on the left
  • withdrawn - the proposal was withdrawn by the person or team or proposed it - shown via the Old Proposals item on the left

If one or more of the optional features are turned on, a submenu will be shown for the page. Depending on how the settings are configured, one or more of the following items will be shown:

  • Decisions - the list of community made decisions
  • General Meetings - a list of community business meetings with a date, start and end times, a facilitator and an agenda. The agenda can be popuplated automatically if proposals are supported in settings.
  • Old Proposals - a list of previously considered proposals that were either completed (no decision), dropped, withdrawn, or did not pass
  • Opted In Members - the list of community members that have opted in to the decision making system
  • Proposals - the list of proposals currently in process. This can include proposals that have not yet been agreed to discuss by enough people, a Parking Lot of proposals that have been discussed in a meeting but are not yet done, and a list of proposals that have been tabled for future consideration.
  • Votes - the place where community members or owner households (depending on the type of vote) can choose "yes", "no", or "abstain" for a current open vote, and view how others have voted

As a reminder, these items are optional and so may not be needed for the decision making system in your community. Support for differences in your system can be added to this module. Please contact us if you would like some changes.