
Each of the various teams/committees in the community has its own page. A group page is accessed via the Group dropdown menu in the top menu bar.

You can join a team by going to its page and clicking "join" on the "people" tab.

The group's name and a link to email the group will be shown at the top. If the group has an email list, the link will start a mail to that list, otherwise it will start a mail to the members of the group. The rest of the group's info is displayed on separate tabs.

Your site may not use all of the tabs listed below.

calendar If this group has a calendar, it is found in this tab.
contacts A simple Contacts list for the group. Can be used to store contact info for people or organizations that the group contacts.
decisions Similar to the main Decisions page. Support for a decisions list for the group and optionally a decision making process with proposals, a parking lot, tabled proposals, etc.
documents A list of the group's documents. Members of the group can modify this list. Documents can be marked to also display on the main Documents page.
email The archives for the group's email list, if it has one.
lists Custom database lists for the group, for storing structured information.
mandate The group's mandate, if it has one.
minutes A list of the group's minutes. Members of the group can modify this list. Minutes can be marked to also display on the main Minutes page.
people A list of officers/jobs for the group such as Convener. If an office isn't filled, there will be a button you can click to take on that job. There is also a list of the group's members, with a button you can use to join or leave the group.
web sites A list of the group's web pages. This is intended for saving links to external web sites that the group wants to save. Members of the group can modify this list.

Members of the group may see pencil icons next to the documents, members, minutes and web sites lists. Clicking the pencils will show the usual buttons for adding, editing and deleting items from the lists.